Our technical services departments work hard to ensure that community facilities are operating safely and effectively. Each of our services work together to provide insight and guidance on various developments happening in Pays Plat First Nation.
Environmental Tech
Preserving the present for the future, the environmental technician effectively manages natural and man-made environments to ensure the safety of Pays Plat and surrounding communities.
Debra has been the Environmental Technician for Pays Plat First Nation since 2013. Her role has been instrumental in linking traditional knowledge with scientific research. Another aspect of her role has been to inform community members on the health of the environment in the area which has involved hosting community workshops with guest speakers from experts in the field.
Debra primarily focuses on environmental monitoring including source water and ecosystem protection from future impacts of climate change. To facilitate this, she has created a Source Water Protection Plan that continuously monitors the waters of Lake Superior that includes inland groundwater and soil sampling to ensure the community’s drinking water is safe. This also includes monitoring the area’s flora and fauna for changes in habitat conditions and identifying the presence of invasive species in a warming climate.
Water Treatment Plant
Easy monitoring and operation of the water treatment plant ensures that community members are provided with clean and safe water all year round.
Rene has been Pays Plat First Nation’s Water Plant Operator for 25+ years. He has been engaged in all aspects that concern the operations of the Water Plant, as well as the distribution. He currently holds a provincial Class 2 Water Treatment license, which is required for the position. Rene provides quality services that support the community’s water supply. He has lived on the Pays Plat First Nation all his life, and loves his community and the people that he serves.
Traditional Values & GIS
We take a unique approach to safeguard and protect the community’s sacred information for future generations through the combination of modern GIS technologies.
Comprehensive Community Planning
Planning and development strategies that are built to increase our self-sufficiency and pave the path to a bright future for our next generations.
Land Code Coordination
A Land Code is an essential component of the process by which communities regain control of their lands and resources. By opting into the First Nations Land Management Act, a Land Code is written to replace 44 provisions of the Indian Act, and once ratified, operates as law.
Pays Plat First Nation
(807) 824-2541
10 Central Place
Pays Plat, ON
P0T 3C0
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