Ontario Works
Are you in need of financial support? Ontario Works can provide you with social assistance and help you cover the basic costs of living. We have an Ontario Works representative in the community that can lead you in the right direction.
In addition to her role as the liaison for Chief & Council, Paula has been the Ontario Works Administrator for Pays Plat First Nation since 2014.
Paula received her diploma as a Human Service Worker and has been involved in the social services field since 1996. Through her role with the Ontario Works program, Paula helps members in temporary financial need and connects them with financial services and support. She determines a suitable level of assistance based on the needs of individuals and families and guides them through any applications or interviews.
Paula also administers the Homemakers Program, which provides support services to individuals that need assistance in order for them to live comfortably at home.
Explore the options available to you for social and financial assistance.
Ontario Works can help support you and your family by providing employment opportunities, income to cover your basic needs, and access to a range of benefits and services.
Ontario Works Administrator Hours: MONDAY – THURSDAY from 1:00 – 4:30 PM
Please call to set up an appointment, walk-ins will only be assisted if there is availability by the Administrator. Other times may be available with an appointment. If you have any questions please call the below number and extension for any assistance.
All inquiries about Ontario Works services can be directed to:
Paula Kinney, Ontario Works Administrator
Phone: (807) 824-2541 Ext. 222 | Fax: (807) 824-2797 | ppontarioworks@tbaytel.net
Learn more about the social services that are available to you and your family.
There are a number of financial supports out there to assist you through any situation.
Check out these additional resources that can help you access more support where you need it.
Pays Plat First Nation
(807) 824-2541
10 Central Place
Pays Plat, ON
P0T 3C0
© Copyright 2021 | Pays Plat First Nation | All Rights Reserved